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Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction1.1 These terms and conditions of sale apply to all Goods and Services provided by Custom Whiteboards t/a Signboss to the purchaser of those goods being the Buyer.1.2 In the event that other terms and conditions are imported into any contractual documentation betweenCustom Whiteboards  and the Buyer, unless specifically authorised in writing by the Director of Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards the following terms and conditions shall prevail.

2. Limitation of Liability.2.1 In no event shall the liability of Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards arising or relating to agreements exceed more that the total fees charged in the original order.2.2 Sign Boss is not responsible for any theft or damage caused by vandals whilst in our care. Vehicles stored at owners risk.3. Payment terms.3.1 A 50% deposit is required upon booking of work with balance paid upon completion. This is unless otherwise approved by Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards Director in which case this will be payable by the 20th day of the following month following the date of the invoice.If the account is not paid within 30 days after the due date the buyer can incur penalty charges of 5% per month.3.2 If the buyer fails to pay their account within 3 months unless a payment plan is arranged it will be forwarded to a debt collection agency.4. Ordering4.1 Buyers are to place orders in writing clearing stating particular requirements. If this is not done Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards can not be held responsible for errors due to oversight or miscommunication of verbal instructions. This provides a written document for all parties to refer to.4.2 Quotations are only for work according to original specifications. If through the buyers error work has to be redone or altered/added to, then Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards may make additional charges if extra costs are incurred.4.3 If in the event a job which has already been started is cancelled or suspended the deposit will not be refunded.4.4 A quotation unless already withdrawn is valid for 30 days from date issued. This is unless otherwise stated in writing for a quote extension. Once this time has lapsed a new quotation will be required.4.5 Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboardswill do everything possible to provide what has been discussed and required however each quote has a margin of 10% scope creep to allow for changes once the project is started. Delivery is additional.5. Prices5.1 The prices of goods and or services provided are as per the quotation/invoice.Delivery may incur additional costs if changed due to size of project to what was originally estimated.5.2 Installation, vinyl removal charges which may be estimated based on original information supplied at time of quotation but will be charged at our hourly rate.Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards will best endeavour to be as close as possible to these costs however.5.3 Quotes do not involve electrical work. A separate quote will be required for wiring.5.4 Where materials become unavailable for reason beyond the control of Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards, we reserve the right to substitute materials of the same form fit and function.5.5 Quoted prices are based on the cost of materials, labour and services upon date it is given.6. Delivery, Installation, Other6.1 Sign boss can not be held liable for costs incurred to customer due to unforeseen delays.6.2 If Sign Boss do not receive in writing where to deliver goods ordered. Buyer will be deemed as taking ownership and to organize shipping with Sign Boss 2 weeks after the goods are ready for dispatch. A storage fee can be incurred depending on size of project and damage is at risk of buyer. Payment will be based on this date.Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards will store for however is reasonably long if space allows.6.3 Upon delivery of goods the Buyer must inspect to confirm the goods are the form fit and function of what was ordered and quoted.If upon inspection Buyer is unsatisfied Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards must be immediately notified in writing.If this is not provided within 5 working days upon delivery Signboss Ltd t/a Custom Whiteboards can not be held liable.


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